There are lots of beautiful things around us. It's just a matter of how we see it and whether we're able to realize it. In life, of course there are always some ups and downs. However, I believe, that even in the most difficult situation, there's always a beautiful thing.. As wise people say, "Everything happens for a reason".
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Salam AidilAdha 1431H
Salam AidilAdha 1431H
Labaikallah humma labaika. Labaikallah syarika laka labaika. Innalhamda wani’mata. La ka Wamulkalla, syarikala
Salam Aidiladha 1431h.
Dengan ini saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya AidilAdha.. Kepada Seluruh kaum muslimin dan muslimat.. Marilah kita sama-sama menghayati Apakah pengorbanan yang kita telah lakukakan? Tidak kiralah kepada diri sendiri, ibubapa, sanak saudara, saudara se-islam kita yang hidup atas kalimah syahadah ASH-HADU AN LA ILAHA ILLA LLAH WA ASH-HADU ANNA MUHAMMADA RRO SULU LLAH dan yang paling penting kepada Allah Rabbul Jalil, Pemilik seluruh alam.
- Salam Aidiladha 1431H.. Semoga jemaah haji kita pada tahun ini memperoleh haji yang mabrur serta mendapat keampunan dari Allah..
Apakah Makna Hari Raya Aidiladha.. Bilakah umat islam akan menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha.. Adakah Hari Raya Aidiladha hanya disambut di mekah.. Aidiladha dikenali sebagai Hari Raya Korban atau Hari Raya Haji dirayakan di seluruh dunia.. Ia merupakan hari raya yang terbesar di dalam islam selain Aidilfitri. Aidiladha disambut pada hari ke sepuluh, sebelas, dua belas dan tiga belas bulan Zulhijjah..
Bermula dengan Takbir Aidiladha pada malam 10 Zulhijjah, diikuti dengan solat sunat Aidiladha serta khutbah Aidiladha di pagi 10 Zulhijjah, sambutan diikuti dengan ibadah korban yang boleh dilakukan samada pada 10 atau 11 atau 12 atau siang 13 Zulhijjah.Aidiladha adalah perayaan yang istimewa kerana ia merupakan hari untuk umat Islam memperingati kisah pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim dalam menunaikan perintah Allah dan ke-sabaran anaknya Nabi Ismail dalam memenuhi perintah Allah s.w.t.
Pada hari raya, orang Islam disunatkan mengenakan pakaian yang paling cantik, paling bersih, dan juga mengenakan wangi-wangian. Pada pagi Hari Raya Korban, umat Islam akan mengerjakan sembahyang sunat Hari Raya sebanyak 2 rakaat dengan 7 takbir pada rakaat pertama diikuti 5 takbir pada rakaat kedua. Pada kebiasaannya solat sunat Aidiladha dicepatkan sedikit berbanding solat sunat Aidilfitri. Hikmahnya dicepatkan sedikit waktu solat sunat Aidiladha adalah bagi memberi lebih banyak masa untuk penyembelihan korban.Hikmahnya dilewatkan sedikit solat sunat Aidilfitri pula adalah bagi membenarkan peluang bagi mereka yang belum membayar zakat menunaikan kewajipan mereka dan disunatkan makan dahulu sebelum pergi ke masjid.
Manakala bagi Aidiladha, hikmat disunatkan makan selepasnya supaya makanan yang mula-mula dimakan pada hari itu ialah daging korban yang berkat. Selepas bersembahyang, upacara korban akan dimulakan. Lembu, kambing, dan biri-biri yang dikorbankan akan disembelih secara beramai-ramai di kawasan masjid sebelum dibahagi-bahagikan kepada orang ramai terutamanya kepada golongan fakir miskin.
Hari Raya Aidiladha disambut ketika umat Islam membuat penziarahan ke Mekah, mengunjung Kaabah dan melakukan korban sembelihan. Al-Quran tidak menyatakan, tetapi umat Islam memegang bahawa perayaan korban ini memperingati kesanggupan Nabi Ibrahim untuk menyerahkan anaknya sebagai korban kepada Tuhan.
Selepas sembahyang, sekali lagi umat Islam akan berbondong-bondong melawati perkuburan orang yang disayangi. Semua orang akan memakai pakaian baru dan selepas itu yang muda akan memohon kemaafan daripada yang tua. Selepas itu semua orang akan menjamah pelbagai juadah yang disediakan sebelum ziarah dan menziarahi sesama mereka.
Fenomena Haji
بسم اللَّه الرحمن الرحيم والحمدلله رب العالمين و صلي الله علي سيدنا محمد المصطفي و آله الطيبين و صحبه المنتجبين
Ka'abah sebagai kunci perpaduan, kemuliaan dan simbol tauhid dan kerohanian, dalam musim Haji ia menjadi tuan rumah kepada hati-hati pendamba dan penaruh harapan yang datang dari serata alam semesta menyahut panggilan Tuhan Yang Maha Agung. Umat Islam hari ini mampu menggambarkan utuhnya keluasan, aneka ragam diri dan kedalaman iman yang menguasai pengikut agama yang lurus ini. Mereka dapat menyaksikan sendiri betapa besarnya modal yang dilaburkan dari penjuru-penjuru dunia dan mereka tahu ia tidak ada tolok bandingnya. Perkenalan untuk sekian kalinya ini dapat membantu kita umat Islam mengenal tempatnya sendiri di dalam dunia hari ini dan esok seterusnya kita maju ke arah itu.
Gelombang kebangkitan Islam yang luas dalam dunia hari ini adalah jelas yang menjanjikan hari esok yang cerah untuk umat Islam. Tiga dekad lalu kemenangan revolusi Islam Iran dan pembentukan Republik Islam Iran, kebangkitan yang penuh dengan kekuatan ini telah bermula. Umat kita yang besar telah maju tanpa berhenti, segala sekatan di pangkal jalan telah disingkirkan dan kubu-kubu pertahanan telah dibebaskan. Musuh yang angkuh merintis jalan-jalan yang lebih rumit dan usaha yang tidak berbaloi menghadapi Islam juga menjadi sebab banyak kemajuan yang dicapai.
Penyebarkan Islamfobia di kalangan kuasa angkuh dunia cukup untuk dirumuskan sebagai usaha mewujudkan perselisihan dan mencetuskan ketaksuban di kalangan firqah-firqah Islam. Usaha mereka mencanang pembohongan Syiah terhadap Sunni, dan Sunni terhadap Syiah, memecah belahkan negara-negara Islam dan berusaha meruncingkan perselisihan dengan perseteruan serta persengketaan yang tiada penghujungnya. Mereka mengerahkan badan-badan perisikan dan mata-mata untuk menyuntik kerosakan dan kenistaan di kalangan golongan muda menunjukkan tindak balas cemas mereka menghadapi gerak langkah kebangkitan umat Islam menuju kemuliaan dan kemerdekaan.
Hari ini tidak seperti tiga puluh tahun yang lalu, regim Zionis bukan lagi raksaksa yang pantang kekalahan. Berbeza dengan dua dekad lalu, Amerika dan barat bukan lagi pemutus keputusan mutlak di Timur Tengah. Tidak sama seperti sepuluh tahun yang lalu teknologi nuklear dan teknologi canggih yang lain bukanlah angan-angan yang mustahil dicapai oleh umat Islam serantau. Hari ini bangsa Palestin adalah pahlawan kebangkitan perjuangan, bangsa Lubnan bersendirian merapuhkan wayang Zionis yang mempersonakan dan memenangi peperangan 33 hari. Bangsa Iran pula memegang panji dan berada di barisan hadapan menuju ke segala puncak.
Hari ini keangkuhan Amerika yang mendabik dada sebagai komandan di rantau Islam dan pelindung hakiki regim Zionis terjebak dalam kubangan mereka sendiri di Afghanistan, mereka telah melakukan segala onar jenayah kepada warga Iraq. Sedang musibah bencana banjir menimpa Pakistan, Amerika terus dibenci. Hari ini medan pertempuran melawan Islam dalam dua kurun lalu dengan segala zalimnya menjajah dan mengambil hasil bumi negara-negara Islam. Semangat kebangkitan umat Islam kelihatan luntur namun dari sudut yang lain pergerakan kabangkitan Islam sedang maju dan berakar umbi dalam menghadapi mereka. Situasi ini mempunyai harapan serta mengandungi kabar gembira, hendaklah kita bangsa-bangsa Islam selalu lebih yakin bergerak ke arah masa depan yang diimpikan. Dari sudut yang lain sentiasa menjaga pengajaran dan tauladannya.
Amanat umum ini tidak syak lagi, disandang oleh para agamawan, pemimpin politik, cendiakawan dan para pemuda lebih dari orang lain serta menuntut mereka berjuang bersungguh-sungguh lebih melangkah ke depan. Al-Quran menyeru kita dengan penuh perasaan dan hidup dengabn menyatakan: «كُنتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّـهِ)). "Kalian adalah sebaik-baik umat yang dikeluarkan di kalangan manusia (agar) kalian menyeru kepada yang ma'ruf (kebaikan) dan mencegah yang munkar (kejahatan) serta beriman kepada Allah." (Q.S. Aal Imran: 110)
Oleh itu kewajiban besar adalah menyeru ke arah kebaikan, meninggalkan kejahatan dan teguh beriman kepada Allah. Tidak ada kebaikan Ma'aruf yang lebih teratas lagi selain menyelamatkan bangsa-bangsa dari cengkaman kuasa syaitan yang angkuh dan bergantung kepada setiap kemungkaran mustakbirin. Hari ini membantu bangsa Palestin, golongan yang terpencil dan terkepung di Gaza, bersimpati dan menyertai bangsa Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq dan Kashmir, berjuang menentang tindakan Amerika dan regim Zionis, menjaga perpaduan muslimin dan memerangi tangan-tangan kotor dan lidah-lidah sewaan yang cuba menjahanamkan perpaduan ini. Memperluaskan kesedaran dan perasaan bertanggungjawab di kalangan para pemuda Islam dalam lingkungan agama Islam merupaka kewajipan besar yang dipikul oleh golongan elit umat ini. Fenomena Haji ini menyediakan latar yang membantu menunjukkan perlaksanaan tanggungjawab dan menyeru kita menggandakan usaha dan inspirasi.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah
Sayed Ali Husaini Khamenei
1 Zulhijjah al-Haram 1431
17 Aban 1389
Monday, November 15, 2010
Pidato Ecumenicalisme Obama di Jakarta
: Racun Disangka Ubat
Saat Obama dilantik menjadi Presiden Amerika Syarikat dua tahun lepas ia telah berusaha membawa nada yang berbeza berbanding Presiden sebelumnya. Jika Bush memilih untuk bertempur dengan kekuatan, Obama bermain dalam wilayah yang lebih mencabar. Wilayah yang jika anda tidak kuat dan nekad, anda akan menjadi seorang Frodo Baggins. Keberadaan buku pertama Bush "Decision Points", yang antara lain memperakukan rencana menyerang Iran kelihatan tidak dapat menenggelamkan gempa dan letusan kemunculan Obama di negeri penuh memori buatnya, Indonesia.
10 November lalu di tengah gempa dan letusan Merapi, Obama datang ke Indonesia. Sebagai Presiden yang memukau dengan kemahiran berpidato, dia dengan nada romantisisme yang kuat dalam ucapannya di Universitas Indonesia, mengingatkan betapa Islam dan barat pernah berselisih dan tidak harus terus bertengkar.
Menurut Obama, tidak banyak pilihan atau ubat yang ada. Obama sang bomoh pun memberi jampi dan cadangan rawatannya.
Apakah kita mesti percaya kepada bomoh ini? Kelihatannya, seperti tidak ada pilihan lain. Kerana berdasarkan latar belakang, sejarah peribadi dan memori silam yang dihimbau, Obama adalah seorang terpercaya. Benar dia seorang Kristian, tetapi dia bukan berkulit putih. Lagi, hubungannya dengan Islam adalah kuat meski bersimpang siur. Bapanya Muslim. Bapa tirinya dari rumpun sebelah sini. Keluarganya di Kenya masih Islam. Juga dia memenuhi ciri-ciri seorang orientalis budiman kerana dia pernah bermain layang-layang, berlarian di sawah padi, boleh menyebut Insya-Allah serta memberi salam, menyusuri denai-denai di sebalik suara azan dan dia dengan ikhlas melontarkan, 'Indonesia adalah sebahagian dari diriku.' Tautan hatinya dengan Islam begitu kukuh. Mengapa pula kita tidak percaya seorang bomoh yang pernah ada pengalaman hidup dalam kalangan kita, malah sangat akrab dengan kita. Pujuk rayunya juga meyakinkan. Tentu dia berbeza daripada Bush. Dia adalah seorang terpercaya. Malah memiliki citra sempurna.
Justeru saat obama menawarkan Ecumenicalisme sebagai ubat, Muslim yang memang sedia sakit lekas-lekas mahu percaya.
Nanti dulu.
Benarkah ia ubat yang berkesan untuk kita. Apakah ubat yang ditawarkannya itu cocok? Ecumenicalisme mungkin ubat yang berkesan untuk umat Kristian. Akan tetapi, ia mungkin adalah racun buat umat Islam.
Umat Kristian ditimpa masalah yang hampir sama seperti umat Islam. Perpecahan. Malah perpecahan yang jauh lebih besar dari apa yang dialami oleh umat Islam. Hari ini, di Amerika Utara sahaja ada 1,500 kumpulan Kristian yang setiap satunya mengamal 'unique blend of beliefs and practices'. Setiap dari mereka mendakwa mereka lebih benar dari satunya.
Sejarah skisme gereja telah berlanjut terlalu lama. Ia malah membenihkan ecclesiastical dalam agama tersebut. Saat gerakan gereja membawa haluan sendiri, jalur yang mereka tempuhi sama sekali berbeza dan menjarak besar. Ambil sahaja perpecahan yang berlaku antara Roman Catholic dan Eastern Orthodox. Atau antara Roman Catholic Church dan Anglican Communion.
Selain skisme yang melibatkan 'internal theological conflicts' gereja juga berpecah dalam persoalan yang melibatkan moral. Akan tetapi hal-hal moral adalah hal-hal yang tidak begitu sengit dan berisiko berbanding hal melibatkan teologi. Abad ke 19 misalnya menyaksikan betapa perhambaan masih berleluasa di Amerika syarikat. Kita melihat bagaimana gereja di Amerika berpecah menjadi kem pro-slavery dan anti-slavery. Akan tetapi apabila perhambaan dihapuskan dengan kejayaan kempen Abraham Lincoln, gereja di selatan Amerika yang kebanyakannya pro perhambaan (dengan pengecualian Southern Baptist Convention yang masih rasis) 'bersatu' hati dengan gereja-gereja di utara. Atau, di saat ini kita melihat kebanyakan denominasi Kristian sedang berpecah dan berseteru dalam hal yang menyinggung hak asasi khususnya untuk kaum gay dan lesbian. Akan tetapi seperti mana dalam isu perhambaan, apabila pergeseran pilihan seksual ini mereda satu hari nanti, pasti akan ada satu konsensus yang akan membolehkan gereja-gereja ini bersatu.
Untuk mengurangkan pertembungan 'internal theological conflicts' dalam kalangan umat Kristian, pemuka-pemuka Kristian mencadangkan beberapa strategi demi mengurangkan perbalahan. Sejenis ubat telah dipreskripsikan:
Pertama: Mengurangkan pergeseran mazhab dalam Kristian dengan membolehkan clergy dan parishioners menyeberang ke gereja-gejera lain. Paderi dari gereja A misalnya dibenarkan bersyarah di gereja B selagi tidak menyentuh hal-hal teologi yang diperselisihkan.
Kedua: Dialog ecumenical untuk merapatkan jurang pergeseran mazhab.
Ketiga: Paderi mazhab atau denominasi tertentu sanggup melupakan perbezaan sesama mereka dan bekerjasama dalam isu-isu yang melibatkan moral. Antara program yang ditawarkan di bawah strategi ini ialah kerjasama untuk mengurangkan akses pengguguran kandungan, mencegah euthanasia, mengehadkan atau membasmi hak-hak gay dan lesbian, menentang perkahwinan sejenis, dan lain-lain lagi.
Keempat: Menggalakkan 'inter-faith marriages' demi menjayakan kerjasama antara denominasi. Pasangan berbeza mazhab yang dapat hidup rukun atas nama cinta akan menjadi contoh besar dalam masyarakat Kristian.
Strategi ecumenicalisme ini terlihat sekali imbas berjaya di Amerika Utara untuk berdepan dengan kepesatan pengaruh sekular dalam masyarakat.
Strategi ecumenicalisme pertama terlihat pada penggalan ucapan Presiden Amerika tersebut: As a child of a different race coming from a distant country, I found this spirit in the greeting that I received upon moving here: Selamat Datang. As a Christian visiting a mosque on this visit, I found it in the words of a leader who was asked about my visit and said, “Muslims are also allowed in churches. We are all God’s followers.
Strategi ecumenicalisme kedua dapat dikesani pada bahagian ucapan beliau: That spark of the divine lies within each of us. We cannot give in to doubt or cynicism or despair. The stories of Indonesia and America tell us that history is on the side of human progress; that unity is more powerful than division; and that the people of this world can live together in peace. May our two nations work together, with faith and determination, to share these truths with all mankind.
Strategi ecumenicalisme ketiga dan keempat dengan jelas dipromosikan oleh Presiden Obama sambil 'inclusive philosophy' yakni Pancasila dijaja sebagai sarung 'ubat' yang berkesan: E pluribus unum – out of many, one. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika – unity in diversity. We are two nations, which have travelled different paths. Yet our nations show that hundreds of millions who hold different beliefs can be united in freedom under one flag. And we are now building on that shared humanity – through the young people who will study in each other’s schools; through the entrepreneurs forging ties that can lead to prosperity; and through our embrace of fundamental democratic values and human aspirations. Islam flourishes, but so do other faiths. Development is strengthened by an emerging democracy. Ancient traditions endure, even as a rising power is on the move.
Meski gerakan ecumenicalisme tampak beroleh kejayaan di barat, masih terdapat gerakan yang lebih kuat menentang gerakan ecumenicalisme ini. Selain persen penganut Kristian yang jatuh mendadak kerana ramainya yang mengisytiharkan diri tidak beragama, ecumenicalisme dilihat sebagai satu doktrin baharu yang berniat untuk memusnah dan meruntuhkan 'the belief in Absolute Authority coming from God' selain menjuarakan 'the relative authority of man'. Bukan sedikit denominasi Kristian yang melihat ecumenicalisme sebagai satu agama baharu yang mengancam semua agama lain.
Selain itu ecumenicalisme memerlukan 'religious authority in order to function'. Maka keberlangsungan ecumenicalisme diragui. Denominasi dan gereja yang pelbagai itu masing-masing tidak memiliki orde atau ketua yang berpengaruh. Hatta Paus sendiri dilihat rapuh di tengah-tengah skandal seks para paderi.
Di sinilah munculnya pertanyaan, apakah ubat Kristian boleh digunakan untuk meredakan pertembungan Islam dan barat (baca Kristian dan sekular)?
Sukar kerana barat yang dimaksudkan bukan sahaja barat yang Kristian (ingat mereka juga berpecah) tetapi juga barat yang sekular. Kehadiran dan preskripsi bomoh Obama itu hanya melanjutkan siri perang kebudayaan. Yakni pemaksaan supaya kita menerima rawatan yang mereka usulkan.
Ecumenicalisme tidak akan menjadi ubat yang berjaya untuk mendamaikan Islam dan barat. Sebahagian besar umat Islam (sambil mengenepikan kumpulan sekular dan liberal dalam Islam) masih berpegang kepada prinsip dan rukun iman, Absolute Authority iaitu Allah. Juga Obama, ataupun Amerika tidak dilihat sebagai 'religious authority' barat. Malahan umat Islam sendiri sebahagian besarnya tidak mempunyai autoriti. Ini berbeza dengan minoriti syiah yang masih mengekalkan sistem marja dan taklid di samping doktrin Wilayatul Faqih yang masih berkembang pemikiran dan perbahasannya. Obama menyedari hal ini, kerana itulah beliau sendiri pernah menjaja strategi ecumenicalisme yang sama ketika berkunjung ke Mesir kerana beliau melihat 'Azhar holds such authority'.
Barat mesti memperakukan Islam dan barat (baca: sekular-Kristian) adalah dua dunia berbeza. Tidak ada satu kesatuan dapat dicapai. Adalah mustahil mendamaikan dua cara pandang yang berbeza. Tambahan pula sejarah yang ada tidak mewajarkan. Islam mahupun Timur tidak melupakan pengalaman kolonialisme barat. Pengalaman buruk yang dialami di pelbagai negara umat Islam angkara Amerika Syarikat (termasuk di Vietnam, Hiroshima dan Nagasaki) tidak akan mempertautkan luka yang telah menjadi daging busuk. Poin-poin permukaan tidak dapat dijadikan paku penguat struktur binaan yang sedia lemah.
Akan tetapi satu kesepakatan dalam persoalan moral mungkin boleh dicapai. Persoalan moral yang menjadi duri dalam daging di mata umat Islam ialah keberpihakan barat (sebahagian besar Kristian dan sekular) kepada regim tidak bermoral zionis. Hanya dengan mencabut duri ini rasa hormat Islam akan berbenih dan soal perdamaian menjadi waras untuk dibincangkan. Senarai pembetulan masih panjang. Penindasan ekonomi. Perhambaan moden menerusi kapitalisme. Diktatorisme kebudayaan. Imperialisme pemikiran. Banyak lagi. Mungkin setelah itu umat Islam dan timur (baca: the oppressed) bersedia menyambut hangat wakil barat yang ikhlas. Pokoknya: Berhenti Dulu Menjadi The Oppressor.
Siapakah yang akan menjadi perawat dan tukang cabut duri yang telah disebutkan di atas? Siapakah yang akan memerdekakan seluruh umat manusia?
Bukan Obama pastinya.
Kesatuan itu, atau kesatuan apa pun tidak akan menjadi kenyataan dalam waktu terdekat. Ia adalah milik penyelamat akhir. Rahsia kesatuan dalam kepelbagaian - Bhinneka Tunggal Ika - hanya dipunyai oleh seorang. Seseorang yang bakal memenuhi bumi ini dengan keadilan dan kemakmuran.
Yang dimaksudkan ialah Imam Mahdi. Sosok yang Nabi Isa a.s akan berdiri solat di belakangnya.
Pautan Daripada : blog Faisal Tehrani
Friday, November 12, 2010
Heroine of Karbala
Heroine of Karbala:
Sayyeda Zainab (sa),
Zaynab al-Kubra (sa),
Bibi Zainab (sa)
Sayyeda Zainab (sa), the daughter of Imam Ali (as) and Sayyeda Fatima Zahra (sa), was an exemplary woman of great ability, intelligence, knowledge, insight, courage and perseverance; she performed her divine duties to the best of her ability. She was born to a family formed by Prophet Muhammad (saw), the most outstanding figure in history. The Prophet's wife Sayyeda Khadija (sa) a devoted woman, was her maternal grandmother, and her paternal grandmother was Fatima daughter of Assad, who mothered and nursed Prophet Muhammad (saw). The members of the family, in trio hierarchical order, were all great.
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) was a brilliant star in the mandate sky that received rays of holiness from the five suns. It was through her holy origins and pious edification that she manifested so great a fortitude in Karbala (Iraq).
The life of the daughter of Sayyeda Fatima Zahra (sa) was always laden with hardships, but she never feared coping with difficulties, this enhanced her endurance and elevated her soul.
She had barely attained the tender age of seven when her beloved mother passed away. Her mother's death had closely followed her cherished grand father's passing away. Some time later Imam Ali (as) married Ummul Banin (sa), whose devotion and piety encouraged Sayyeda Zainab (sa) in her learning.
Whilst still a young girl she was fully able to care for and be responsible for the running of her father's household. As much as she cared for the comforts and ease of her brothers and sisters, in her own wants she was frugal and unstintingly generous to the poor, homeless and parentless. After her marriage her husband is reported as having said, "Zainab is the best housewife."
From very early on she developed an unbreakable bond of attachment to her brother Imam Hussein (as). At times when as a baby in her mother's arms she could not be pacified and made to stop crying, she would quieter down upon being held by her brother, and there she would sit quietly gazing at his face. Before she would pray she used to first cast a glance at the face of her beloved brother, Imam Hussein (as).
One day Sayyeda Fatima Zahra (sa) mentioned the intensity of her daughter's love for Imam Hussein (as) to Prophet Muhammad (saw). He breathed a deep sigh and said with moistened eyes, "My dear child, this child of mine Zainab would be confronted with a thousand and one calamities and face serious hardships in Karbala."
Sayyeda Zainab (sa), the sage of Bani Hashim
Ibn Abbas quoted Sayyeda Fatima Zahra (sa) as having said that her daughter Zainab, like her father, was unparalleled in literary eloquence and courage. The speech she delivered in the assembly in presence of Yazid was at the zenith of eloquence and impressiveness. (Refer Famous Women, Dr. Ahmed Beheshti, and p.51)
After the demise of Prophet Muhammad (saw), there came the period of distress and hardship in the life of Sayyeda Zainab (sa). She stood by her mother as far as the question of supreme mandate of her father was concerned. When her mother delivered the Fadak sermon, she was only 4 years old, but narrated the sermon so lucidly and expressively that the people from Bani Hashim remembered it by heart. Later the Shiite scholars recorded it that is why she is called Zainab the narrator of traditions.
Sayyeda Zainab's (sa) Marriage
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) grew into a fine stature young woman. When the time came for marriage, she was married in a simple ceremony to her first cousin, Abdullah Ibn Ja'far Tayyar. Her marriage settlement was equal to that of her mother's. Imam Ali (as) told Abdullah Ibn Ja'far Tayyar not to prevent Sayyeda Zainab (sa) from going on a journey with Imam Hussein (as), her brother.
Abdullah Ibn Ja'far Tayyar had been brought up under the direct care of Prophet Muhammad (saw). After his death, Imam Ali (as) became his supporter and guardian until he came of age. He grew up to be a handsome youth with pleasing manners and was known for his sincere hospitality to guests and selfless generosity to the poor and needy.
Although Sayyeda Zainab's (sa) husband was a man of means, she lived a modest life, not a life of luxury. She and her husband were charitable to the needy people. The Arab tribes called Abdullah Ibn Ja'far Tayyar "the sea or the cloud of munificence".
The marriage of Sayyeda Zainab (sa) did not diminish her strong attachment to her family. Together this young couple had five children, of whom four were sons, Ali, Aun, Muhammad, and Abbas, and one daughter, Umm Kulthum.
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) and Imamate
In her life Sayyeda Zainab (sa) always saw the evildoers, oppressors, insurgents and breakers of covenants defy the truth and Imam Ali (as), the supporter of the truth and justice had to quell their revolts. Finally, an evil hand gave Imam Ali (as) a stroke from a poisoned sword on his head in the mosque of Kufa. After Imam Ali (as), his son Imam Hassan (as) became the Caliph. Imam Hassan (as) was also greatly oppressed until at last he signed a peace treaty with the ruler of that time, Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan and moved to Kufa in the company of Zainab, her husband, and his own companions. Imam Hassan (as) was poisoned by his treacherous wife Ja'da bint al-Ash'ath ibn Qays, by the order of the ruler of that time. After Imam Hassan (as), Imam Hussein (as) became the Imam, but the ruler of Syria Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan violated the peace treaty and appointed his son Yazid as his successor and insisted that Imam Hussein (as) should pledge allegiance to him. Imam Hussein (as) refused to pledge allegiance and made up his mind to move to Makkah.
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) said farewell to her husband, Abdullah Ibn Ja'far Tayyar and went with her brother accompanied by her sons Muhammad and Aun. They reached Makkah in 61 Hijrah year.
Imam Hussein (as) was informed that some agents of the ruler of that time had come to Makkah to assassinate him while circumambulating the Holy Ka'bah. Imam Hussein (as) deemed it advisable to move to Kufa and let people know of his secret mission. They arrived at Karbala on the 2nd Muharram. Sayyeda Zainab (sa) had heard from her grandfather and father that Karbala would be the place where Imam Hussein (as) would be martyred.
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) in Karbala
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) is the shining sun in the history of Islam and of humanity. Her brother's name and Karbala associate the idea of freedom, justice, humanity, virtue, fighting against despotism, with the realization of the sovereignty of Allah (SWT). The history of Karbala is based on two pillars: the rising of Imam Hussein (as) and the rising of Sayyeda Zainab (sa). She was an outstanding figure in the history of Karbala endowed with divine steadfastness and fortitude. She sacrificed her two sons and one should not say anything if one devoted his life for the cause of Allah (SWT). After the martyrdom of her brother and her two sons, she said: "O my Lord! Accept our humble sacrifice to You."
When Zainab reached Kufa, she addressed people with fury words: "Praise to Allah, and may the blessing of Allah be upon Muhammad and his progeny. O people of Kufa, you are hypocrites and deceitful. You feign to be sorry for the death of my brother and his companions. May you always shed tears. I find nothing in you but flattery, evil acts and thoughts, pride and spite and ill will. By Allah (SWT)! You deserve lasting sorrow instead of joy. Shames on you, your hands are imbrued with the blood of the son of Prophet Muhammad (saw), the one who was your sole refuge in case of adversity. By your evil act and disloyalty, you incurred the wrath of Allah (SWT) against you. Woe betides you! No one will intercede with Allah (SWT) for you." Her furious words provoked people of Kufa to avenge Imam Hussein's martyrdom. This frightened Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad and his cruel agents. She also delivered a furious sermon in the court of the caliph that made his authority and despotic rule feel undermined. She said: "I fear no one but Allah (SWT). Make whatever evil plot you can. Blazes are waiting for you in the hereafter. You'll he accountable to Allah (SWT) for your atrocities."
The Foundation of Mourning (Majalis-E-Aza) of Imam Hussein (as)
Another unique feature of Sayyeda Zainab's (sa) character was her establishment of mourning ceremonies. This tradition which has lived in the memories and hearts of millions of Muslims to this day, has kept the sacrifices of Imam Hussein (as) alive, and brought dynamism to every movement that aimed at removing injustices on earth.
After every Majlis, the women would offer their condolences to Sayyeda Zainab (sa) and the men to Imam Zainul Abedeen (as). These majales made quite a stir in the cities, and the sound of crying and beating of chests and heads affected the minds of the inhabitants, and made them sadder and wiser to the events of Karbala.
In the end...
As it is said, "the word is mightier than the sword", this should stay in the minds of all Muslims, particularly the women. They should realize that they could always make a difference. They can always reach for the better. Also, they can make their Ummah (Community) look better.
The Muslim women should read more about the hardships which faced the great women of Islam understand and practice the patience that characterized the life of Sayyeda Zainab (sa), and teach their children the value of these acts.
The men alone cannot win independence and prosperity, neither can the women. Together, and under the banner of Islam, they can achieve success.
Sayyeda Zainab (sa),
Zaynab al-Kubra (sa),
Bibi Zainab (sa)
Sayyeda Zainab (sa), the daughter of Imam Ali (as) and Sayyeda Fatima Zahra (sa), was an exemplary woman of great ability, intelligence, knowledge, insight, courage and perseverance; she performed her divine duties to the best of her ability. She was born to a family formed by Prophet Muhammad (saw), the most outstanding figure in history. The Prophet's wife Sayyeda Khadija (sa) a devoted woman, was her maternal grandmother, and her paternal grandmother was Fatima daughter of Assad, who mothered and nursed Prophet Muhammad (saw). The members of the family, in trio hierarchical order, were all great.
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) was a brilliant star in the mandate sky that received rays of holiness from the five suns. It was through her holy origins and pious edification that she manifested so great a fortitude in Karbala (Iraq).
The life of the daughter of Sayyeda Fatima Zahra (sa) was always laden with hardships, but she never feared coping with difficulties, this enhanced her endurance and elevated her soul.
She had barely attained the tender age of seven when her beloved mother passed away. Her mother's death had closely followed her cherished grand father's passing away. Some time later Imam Ali (as) married Ummul Banin (sa), whose devotion and piety encouraged Sayyeda Zainab (sa) in her learning.
Whilst still a young girl she was fully able to care for and be responsible for the running of her father's household. As much as she cared for the comforts and ease of her brothers and sisters, in her own wants she was frugal and unstintingly generous to the poor, homeless and parentless. After her marriage her husband is reported as having said, "Zainab is the best housewife."
From very early on she developed an unbreakable bond of attachment to her brother Imam Hussein (as). At times when as a baby in her mother's arms she could not be pacified and made to stop crying, she would quieter down upon being held by her brother, and there she would sit quietly gazing at his face. Before she would pray she used to first cast a glance at the face of her beloved brother, Imam Hussein (as).
One day Sayyeda Fatima Zahra (sa) mentioned the intensity of her daughter's love for Imam Hussein (as) to Prophet Muhammad (saw). He breathed a deep sigh and said with moistened eyes, "My dear child, this child of mine Zainab would be confronted with a thousand and one calamities and face serious hardships in Karbala."
Sayyeda Zainab (sa), the sage of Bani Hashim
Ibn Abbas quoted Sayyeda Fatima Zahra (sa) as having said that her daughter Zainab, like her father, was unparalleled in literary eloquence and courage. The speech she delivered in the assembly in presence of Yazid was at the zenith of eloquence and impressiveness. (Refer Famous Women, Dr. Ahmed Beheshti, and p.51)
After the demise of Prophet Muhammad (saw), there came the period of distress and hardship in the life of Sayyeda Zainab (sa). She stood by her mother as far as the question of supreme mandate of her father was concerned. When her mother delivered the Fadak sermon, she was only 4 years old, but narrated the sermon so lucidly and expressively that the people from Bani Hashim remembered it by heart. Later the Shiite scholars recorded it that is why she is called Zainab the narrator of traditions.
Sayyeda Zainab's (sa) Marriage
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) grew into a fine stature young woman. When the time came for marriage, she was married in a simple ceremony to her first cousin, Abdullah Ibn Ja'far Tayyar. Her marriage settlement was equal to that of her mother's. Imam Ali (as) told Abdullah Ibn Ja'far Tayyar not to prevent Sayyeda Zainab (sa) from going on a journey with Imam Hussein (as), her brother.
Abdullah Ibn Ja'far Tayyar had been brought up under the direct care of Prophet Muhammad (saw). After his death, Imam Ali (as) became his supporter and guardian until he came of age. He grew up to be a handsome youth with pleasing manners and was known for his sincere hospitality to guests and selfless generosity to the poor and needy.
Although Sayyeda Zainab's (sa) husband was a man of means, she lived a modest life, not a life of luxury. She and her husband were charitable to the needy people. The Arab tribes called Abdullah Ibn Ja'far Tayyar "the sea or the cloud of munificence".
The marriage of Sayyeda Zainab (sa) did not diminish her strong attachment to her family. Together this young couple had five children, of whom four were sons, Ali, Aun, Muhammad, and Abbas, and one daughter, Umm Kulthum.
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) and Imamate
In her life Sayyeda Zainab (sa) always saw the evildoers, oppressors, insurgents and breakers of covenants defy the truth and Imam Ali (as), the supporter of the truth and justice had to quell their revolts. Finally, an evil hand gave Imam Ali (as) a stroke from a poisoned sword on his head in the mosque of Kufa. After Imam Ali (as), his son Imam Hassan (as) became the Caliph. Imam Hassan (as) was also greatly oppressed until at last he signed a peace treaty with the ruler of that time, Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan and moved to Kufa in the company of Zainab, her husband, and his own companions. Imam Hassan (as) was poisoned by his treacherous wife Ja'da bint al-Ash'ath ibn Qays, by the order of the ruler of that time. After Imam Hassan (as), Imam Hussein (as) became the Imam, but the ruler of Syria Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan violated the peace treaty and appointed his son Yazid as his successor and insisted that Imam Hussein (as) should pledge allegiance to him. Imam Hussein (as) refused to pledge allegiance and made up his mind to move to Makkah.
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) said farewell to her husband, Abdullah Ibn Ja'far Tayyar and went with her brother accompanied by her sons Muhammad and Aun. They reached Makkah in 61 Hijrah year.
Imam Hussein (as) was informed that some agents of the ruler of that time had come to Makkah to assassinate him while circumambulating the Holy Ka'bah. Imam Hussein (as) deemed it advisable to move to Kufa and let people know of his secret mission. They arrived at Karbala on the 2nd Muharram. Sayyeda Zainab (sa) had heard from her grandfather and father that Karbala would be the place where Imam Hussein (as) would be martyred.
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) in Karbala
Sayyeda Zainab (sa) is the shining sun in the history of Islam and of humanity. Her brother's name and Karbala associate the idea of freedom, justice, humanity, virtue, fighting against despotism, with the realization of the sovereignty of Allah (SWT). The history of Karbala is based on two pillars: the rising of Imam Hussein (as) and the rising of Sayyeda Zainab (sa). She was an outstanding figure in the history of Karbala endowed with divine steadfastness and fortitude. She sacrificed her two sons and one should not say anything if one devoted his life for the cause of Allah (SWT). After the martyrdom of her brother and her two sons, she said: "O my Lord! Accept our humble sacrifice to You."
When Zainab reached Kufa, she addressed people with fury words: "Praise to Allah, and may the blessing of Allah be upon Muhammad and his progeny. O people of Kufa, you are hypocrites and deceitful. You feign to be sorry for the death of my brother and his companions. May you always shed tears. I find nothing in you but flattery, evil acts and thoughts, pride and spite and ill will. By Allah (SWT)! You deserve lasting sorrow instead of joy. Shames on you, your hands are imbrued with the blood of the son of Prophet Muhammad (saw), the one who was your sole refuge in case of adversity. By your evil act and disloyalty, you incurred the wrath of Allah (SWT) against you. Woe betides you! No one will intercede with Allah (SWT) for you." Her furious words provoked people of Kufa to avenge Imam Hussein's martyrdom. This frightened Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad and his cruel agents. She also delivered a furious sermon in the court of the caliph that made his authority and despotic rule feel undermined. She said: "I fear no one but Allah (SWT). Make whatever evil plot you can. Blazes are waiting for you in the hereafter. You'll he accountable to Allah (SWT) for your atrocities."
The Foundation of Mourning (Majalis-E-Aza) of Imam Hussein (as)
Another unique feature of Sayyeda Zainab's (sa) character was her establishment of mourning ceremonies. This tradition which has lived in the memories and hearts of millions of Muslims to this day, has kept the sacrifices of Imam Hussein (as) alive, and brought dynamism to every movement that aimed at removing injustices on earth.
After every Majlis, the women would offer their condolences to Sayyeda Zainab (sa) and the men to Imam Zainul Abedeen (as). These majales made quite a stir in the cities, and the sound of crying and beating of chests and heads affected the minds of the inhabitants, and made them sadder and wiser to the events of Karbala.
In the end...
As it is said, "the word is mightier than the sword", this should stay in the minds of all Muslims, particularly the women. They should realize that they could always make a difference. They can always reach for the better. Also, they can make their Ummah (Community) look better.
The Muslim women should read more about the hardships which faced the great women of Islam understand and practice the patience that characterized the life of Sayyeda Zainab (sa), and teach their children the value of these acts.
The men alone cannot win independence and prosperity, neither can the women. Together, and under the banner of Islam, they can achieve success.
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